Trudy Mallinson Associate Dean for Health Sciences Research Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership Professor of Health, Human Function, and Rehabilitation Sciences (Secondary) Office Phone: 202-994-6833 Email: Email Department: Clinical Research and Leadership |
- BSc, University of Canterbury, 1989
- MS, University of Illinois, Chicago, 1994
- PhD, University of Illinois, Chicago, 2000
Dr. Trudy Mallinson is Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Research and Leadership, The George Washington University, Washington DC. She is also a Senior Scientist in the Center for Healthcare Innovation and Policy Research and Director of the Advanced Metrics Lab. Her primary research interest is how better outcomes measurement can improve health care for patients and inform health care policy.
Her current research addresses a variety of rehabilitation measurement issues including: measuring the recovery of consciousness in patients with severe traumatic brain injury, describing attention and awareness following mild traumatic brain injury, and the standardization and calibration of functional performance assessments to enable comparison of patient outcomes across post-acute care rehabilitation settings.
Dr. Mallinson has been investigator or co-investigator on projects to develop and evaluate assessments in a range of post-acute rehabilitation settings, outpatient oncology, ophthalmic surgery, urinary incontinence, and supports and barriers to participation in physical activity in persons with arthritis. Her current work focuses on applying modern measurement to a variety of health care issues including: standardized measures of functional status for rehabilitation quality improvement and policy making and neurobehavioral function in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
She is currently working on a project to standardize functional status items for recipients of home and community-based waiver programs. These items will be part of a broader effort by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to create interoperable data elements. This effort builds on her previous work on a variety of CMS (Medicare) contracts to develop a single patient assessment tool for post-acute care: the Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE). She also collaborated on the subsequent post-acute care payment reform demonstration project and on the outpatient therapy payment alternatives project. She recently led a project that co-calibrated the existing Medicare-mandated post-acute assessment instruments, making it easier to compare patient outcomes across post-acute care settings.
She is also funded on projects from the Department of Defense to improve outcomes measurement in adults with traumatic brain injury. One project involves creating meaningful indicators of improvement in neurobehavioral function in adults with severely disordered consciousness. In collaboration with colleagues at Hines VA, this project will help identify the smallest amount of change in neurobehavioral function that is clinically meaningful to caregivers and clinicians. The longer-term goal of this work is to integrate modern psychometrics with data visualization technology to create powerful, visually interactive, digital displays that enhance patient-clinician interactions and decision-making.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Testing Experience and Functional Assessment Tools (TEFT) in Community-Based Long Term Services and Supports Demonstration, CMS-1H1-13-001. Principal Investigator: Beth Jackson, Truven Health Analytics. Role: Principal Investigator on GW Subcontract. Project Dates: 09/08/2015 – 04/30/2018.
The goal of this project is to develop, test, and validate standardized functional status items, including self-care and mobility for beneficiaries in Home and Community-based waiver programs. The project will involve field-testing items, developing online training materials for the assessors, and reliability and validity analyses of the data.
Joint Warfighters Medical Research Program Department of the Army Supplement, J1150040: “Improved Measurement of Neurobehavioral Function after Severe TBI.” Principal Investigator: Pape. Role: PI of Measurement Supplement. Project Dates: 09/01/15-08/31/18.
The objective of this research proposal is to advance the science of measuring neurobehavioral and cognitive function in patients with severe TBI. Clinically observed measures and performance-based measures can introduce noise/imprecision that must be addressed in order to accurately measure change in function as a result of novel interventions.
Congressionally Mandated Medical Research Program, MR141205: “Neuromodulation and Neurorehabilitation for Treatment of Functional Deficits after mTBI plus PTSD”. Principal Investigator: Pape. Role: Co-investigator. Project Dates: 10/01/15-09/30/19.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of attention processing training (APT) combined with intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) and to determine how APT + iTBS changes the neurocognitive system of attention in persons with persisting attention deficits related to Mild TBI and PTSD.
2017 AOTA Service Commendation – AOTA Advisor, Quality Issues
2016 Nominated to Alpha Eta Honor Society
2016 AOTA Service Commendation – AOTA Advisor, Quality Issues
2013 Fellow, American Occupational Therapy Association
2012 AOTA Service Commendation – Member, AOTA Representative to the Physician Consortium on Performance Improvement
2011 Inducted as Honorary Member of Pi Theta Epsilon The National Honor Society for Occupational Therapy
HS 8615 Quality Improvement using Translational Methods
HS 8215 Measurement of Function and Learning
HSCI 6265 Grantsmanship and Translational Research Proposals
HSCI 6297 Independent Study for Health Professionals – Rasch Analysis
Centers and Institutes
Post-Acute Care Center for Research PACCR – Faculty Appointment
MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital – Medical Staff Associate Member
Joanna Briggs Institute, Rehabilitation Node Expert Reference Group
Community Service
Editorial Boards: Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Chair, Outcomes Measurement Networking Group, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
Technical Expert Panels: CMS Cross-Setting Quality Measures Technical Expert Panel (TEP), February 3, 2015; CMS Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative (Major Joint Replacements) Technical Expert Panel (TEP), May 6, 2015; CMS Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative (Congestive Heart Failire) Technical Expert Panel (TEP), April 12, 2016
- Clinical and Translational Research
- Clinical Research Administration
- Occupational Therapy
- Translational Health Sciences
Mallinson, T., Pape, T., & Guernon, A. (2015). Responsiveness, Minimal Detectable Change, and Minimally Clinically Important Differences for the Disorders of Consciousness Scale. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
Pape, T., Rosenow, J., Steiner, M., Parrish, T., Guernon, A., Harton, B., Patil, V., Bhaumik, D., McNamee, S., Walker, M., Froehlich, K., Burress, C., Odle, C., Wang, X., Herrold, A., Zhao, W., Reda, D., Mallinson, T., Conneely, M., Nemeth, A. (2015). Placebo-Controlled Trial of Familiar Auditory Sensory Training for Acute Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Report. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair.
Mallinson, T., Leland, N., Chan, T. (2015). The need for uniform quality reporting across post-acute care rehabilitation settings: an examination of accidental falls. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Rogers C, Mallinson T, & Peppers D. (2014). High Intensity Sports For PTSD: A Feasibility Study of Ocean Therapy With Operation Enduring Freedom And Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans. American Journal of Occupational Therapy
Mallinson T, Deutsch A, Bateman J, Tseng H-Y, Manheim L, Almagor O, Heinemann A. (2014). A Comparison of Discharge Functional Status after Rehabilitation in Skilled Nursing, Home Health, and Medical Rehabilitation Settings for Patients Following Hip Fracture Repair. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95(2), 209-217. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2013.05.031. PMID: 23850612
Pape TL, Guernon A, Lundgren S, Patil V, Herrold AA, Smith B, Blahnik, M., Picon, L. M., Harton, B., Peterson, M., Mallinson, T., Hoffmann, M. (2013). Predicting levels of independence with expressing needs and ideas 1 year after severe brain injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 58(3):253-62. PubMed PMID: 23978083.
Industry Relationships and Collaborations
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- None