Mary Warner Mary Warner
Chair, Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies

Office Phone: 202-994-7644
Email: Email
Department: Physician Assistant Studies


  • Bachelor of Science, Seattle University, 1987
  • Master of Medical Science, Emory University SChool of Medicine, 1991
  • Doctor of Behavioral Health, Arizona State University, 2020


As Department Chair of PA Studies at George Washington University, Dr. Warner is responsible for promoting faculty scholarship and service, fostering relationships with other departments in the School, collaborating with local communities, and fiscal oversight, as well as recruiting, evaluating, and recommending faculty for promotion. She obtained a Doctorate in Behavioral Health at Arizona State University where she studied models of integrated behavioral health and primary care, including fiscal management, quality improvement, and population health using principles of implementation science. Her doctoral research characterized the impact of Medicaid expansion on access to opioid use disorder treatment.


As a research consultant with NEJM Knowledge+, Dr. Warner studies the effectiveness of pain management and opioid continuing medical education on clinician adherence to FDA Blueprint Guidelines. Previous research includes PA education research related to the impact of clinical exposure to patient-centered medical homes and practice in primary care, innovations in PA education and the impact of COVID-19 on PA education.


Evaluating the NEJM Knowledge +, Evaluation of Pain Management and Opioids CME (REMS funded project), PI: Warner, NEJM Knowledge+, 2020-present, $45000

Capacity Building for Diabetes Care in Uganda, PI: Warner, Physician Assistant Foundation (PAF), 2013, $10,000

Improving Physician Assistant Clinical Training in Primary Care (IMPACT), PI: Warner, Health Resources and Services Administration (not transferable to BU), 5 D57HP23255-01-00 (2012) $642,193 (5 years)

The Impact of Patient-Centered Medical Homes on Primary Care Clerkship Experiences: A National Cross-Sectional Study, Coinvestigator: Warner, Physician Assistant Education Association, 2012 $7000, and 2013, $4000

Longitudinal Elder Care Curriculum Infusion and Minority Recruitment Project, 5D57HP10171-01-00 PI:Warner, Health Resources and Services Administration, $321,417 (3 years)


8/2019: Carl M. Toney Student Society Award for contributions in support of the PA profession, BUSM PA Program

8/2016: Carl M. Toney Student Society Award for contributions in support of the PA profession, BUSM PA Program

5/2015: American Academy of Physician Assistants PAragon Research Publishing Article of the Year Award (senior author)
This award recognizes the PA who has published an exceptional research article within the past year and is presented at the annual AAPA meeting.

5/2014: American Academy of Physician Assistants PAragon Research Publishing Article of the Year Award (first author)
This award recognizes the PA who has published an exceptional research article within the past year and is presented at the annual AAPA meeting.

 5/2014: American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors, Best Original Research Article Gold Medal (first author)
This award recognizes the best research article as determined by the American Society of Healthcare Publishing Editors.

5/2009: Nominated for Bohmfalk* Teaching Award in Clinical Science, Yale School of Medicine    

10/2006: Rising Star Award, Physician Assistant Education Association

5/2005: Nominated for Bohmfalk* Teaching Award, Yale School of Medicine

*Bohmfalk Teaching Award is a prestigious teaching prize awarded annually to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the teaching program, one in the basic sciences and one in the clinical sciences, as judged by the Yale School of Medicine faculty and medical students.


Clinical Skills (PA)
Integration of Clinical Concepts (PA)
Program Theory and Health Innovations (DHSci)

Previous courses taught:
Simulation and Clinical Skills
Medical Ethics and Professional Practice
Advanced Clinical Medicine
Clinical Skills I and II (PA and medical students)
Introduction to Clinical Medicine
Clinical Communication Skills (medical students)
Physical Examination (medical students)
History Taking and Physical Examination
Orthopaedic Didactic Module

Community Service

Selected community and professional service affiliations (alpha order) :
Accreditation Review Commission on the Education of Physician Assistants, 2006-2017            
PA Program Accreditation Site Visitor
American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA), 2018-2019 House of Delegates B.18 Task Force, 2011-2014 Committee Member, Research Advisory Group, 1990-1992 Student Academy Board of Directors, Chief Delegate to the House, Constituent Chapters and Membership Relations Committee member
Biomedical Science Careers Program (BSCP), Harvard Medical School, 2016-present BSCP Advisor-mentor to undergraduate URM students interested in health careers
Connecticut Academy of Physician Assistants (ConnAPA) 1997-1995 Past President, Board President, President-Elect, 1993-1995 Member-at-Large, Board of Directors
Federation of State Medical Boards, 1999-2008 Fellow
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants, 2009-2019 Chair of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee Member, Chair, Research and Test Development Committee, Competencies of the PA Committee (2011 and 2018-2020)
Physician Assistant Education Association, 2021-present Chair, Research Mission Advancement Committee, 2019-2021 Member, Research Mission Advancement Committee, 2003-2010 Member, Research Institute Committee
State of Connecticut Medical Examining Board, 1999-2006 PA Member of the CT Medical Examining Board, 2008-2014 Consultant Case Reviewer (volunteer)


  • Physician Assistant
  • Post-Bacc Pre-Med

Industry Relationships and Collaborations

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported a financial interest with the health care related companies listed below. These relations have been reported to the University and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts.

  • None