Kenneth Harwood Kenneth Harwood
Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership

Office Phone: N/A
Email: Email
Department: Clinical Research and Leadership


  • B.S., State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, 1981
  • M.S., New York University, 1989
  • PhD, New York University, 2001


Professor Harwood is the Director of Health Care Quality Initiatives for the Program of Clinical Research and Leadership and the Director of Research for the Program in Physical Therapy. Formerly, he was the Vice President of the Practice and Education for the American Physical Therapy Association where he oversaw Association efforts and activities designed to improve and enhance the state of physical therapy education and practice. In addition, Dr. Harwood held previous full-time academic positions at Columbia University, New York University and SUNY, Health Sciences Center at Brooklyn, and a number of consulting positions as a physical therapist and ergonomist.

Dr. Harwood has been honored by a number of academic institutions for lectureships, received the 2010 Advocacy Award for Improved Caregiver Safety, the Distinguished Alumnus Award from SUNY, Health Sciences Center at Brooklyn, a member of the team that won the 1996 Woodbridge Award for Excellence in Research, and presented testimony on behalf of the APTA to a United States Senate Subcommittee.

Past Academic Positions:

Columbia University
School of Medicine, Program in Physical Therapy
Associate Director (199
Interim Director ()
New York University
Program in Biomechanics & Ergonomics
SUNY, Health Science Center at Brooklyn
College of Health Related Professions - Physical Therapy Program


Dr. Harwood research interests include ergonomics, low back pain care, health care policy and quality. He has published and presented nationally and internationally in the field of occupational health, low back pain care and prevention, safe patient handling and movement, health care policy and quality, and leadership. He is a founding editorial board member of the American Journal of Safe Patient Handling and Movement, a manuscript reviewer for a number of physical therapy and rehabilitation journals, and a grant reviewer for the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR).


2017   Health Policy and Administration Section- American Physical Therapy Association
Best Platform Presentation, Combined Section Meeting 2017
“Does Unrestricted Access to Physical Therapy Reduce Health Utilization and Spending”
2015 - present National Alpha Eta Honor Society
2011   University of Medicine and Dentistry, Program in Physical Therapy
Newark, New Jersey
The Fourth Annual Ellen C. Ross Memorial Lectureship: Keynote Speaker
Entitled “Physical Therapist Practice in a Changing Environment”
2010   Columbia University, Program in Physical Therapy
New York, New York
White Coat Ceremony: Keynote Speaker
Entitled “On Becoming an Inspirational Leader in Health Care”
2010   The 10th Annual Safe Patient Handling  and Movement Conference
Orlando, Florida
Awarded the 2010 Advocacy Award for Improved Caregiver Safety
2006   The College of Health Related Professions (CHRP)
State University of New York at Health Science Center at Brooklyn
40th Anniversary Celebration
Presented with the Distinguished Alumnus Award
2004   Arcadia University
Charles M Magistro Lectureship: 
Entitled “Professionalism in Physical Therapy”
2000   American Physical Therapy Association- Orthopedics Section
Certificate of Distinguished Service
1996  The Physical Medicine Research Foundation of Vancouver 
Awarded the Woodbridge Award for Excellence in Research
Nordin M, Skovron ML, Hiebert R, Weiser S, Brisson PM, Campello M, Harwood 
KJ, Crane M, Lewis S. “Early predictors of delayed return to work in patients with
low back pain”  


  • Clinical Management and Leadership
  • Clinical Research Administration
  • Core Curriculum in Health Sciences
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Translational Health Sciences


Mallison T, Dietrich CN, Harwood K, Maring J, Lyons L, Gaskin S, Gorsky A, Weaver J, Rivard P, Woodward R, Stokes T, Gold L. Functional Assessment Standardized Items (FASI) Final report. Document created under contract HHSM-500-2010-0025I-T006 from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, March 30, 2018 Link

Mallinson T, Jackson B, Dietrich N, Gage B, Rivard P, Maring J, Harwood K, Paudel A. (under review). The Value of a Person-Centered Approach for Home and Community-Based Services: Standardized Functional Assessment Items. Testing Experience and Functional Tools Demonstration: Promising Practices, Vol. 5: April 2017. [PDF document]. Digital media created under Contract HHSM-500-2010-0025I-T006 from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Gage B, Harwood K, Mallinson T, LelandN. (2015) Testing the Reliability and Validity of the Proposed CPT Codes for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Phase II. Contracted report to American Physical Therapy Association.

Harwood KJ, McDonald PL, Butler J, Drago D, Schlumpf KS. Comparing student outcomes in traditional vs intensive, online graduate programs in health professional education. BMC Medical Education. 18(1):240 doi: 10.1186/s12909-018-1343-78-1343-7 Link

Frogner B, Harwood KJ, Pines J, Andrilla H, Physical Therapy as the First Point of Care to Treat Low Back Pain: An Instrumental Variables Approach to Estimate Impact on Opioid Prescription, Health Care Utilization, and Costs, Health Services Research, Early view May 2018 Link

Harwood KJ, Darragh AR, Campo M, Rockefeller K, Scalzetti DA. A systematic review of safe patient handling and mobility programs to prevent musculoskeletal injuries in occupational and physical therapists and assistants. International Journal for Safe Patient Handling and Mobility. 2018;8(1):46-56

McDonald PL, Harwood KJ, Butler JT, Schlumpf KS, Eschmann CW, Drago D. Design for success: Identifying a process for transitioning to an intensive online course delivery model in health professions education. Med Educ Online. 2018;23(1):1415617. doi: 10.1080/10872981.2017.1415617 [doi]. Link

Harwood KJ. Blazing a new trail: Advocacy for safe patient handling and mobility. American Journal for Safe Patient Handling and Movement. 2015. 5(1):21-26.

Cohn R, Harwood KJ, Richards H, Schlumpf K. A case-based reasoning (CBR) model for the integration of insurance policy and regulations in professional physical therapist education. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2015; 29(2):13-20. Link

American Nurses Association, Safe Patient Handling and Mobility: Interprofessional National Standards. Bethesda: American Nurses Association. 2013. Section Lead & Contributor.

Industry Relationships and Collaborations

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported a financial interest with the health care related companies listed below. These relations have been reported to the University and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts.

  • None