Kathleen Ogle Kathleen Ogle
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Associate Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership (Secondary)

Office Phone: 202-741-2921
Email: Email
Department: Emergency Medicine


  • A.S., San Juan Community College, 1997
  • B.S., University of Nevada At Las Vegas, 2004
  • MD, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Science, 2008


Dr. Ogle is fellowship trained in Emergency Ultrasound and oversees the GW EM resident ultrasound rotation and the EM Ultrasound Clerkship for medical students. She serves on the clinical competency committee and mentors several students and residents. She is actively engaged in the vertical integration of ultrasound in the new GW undergraduate medical curriculum and is the director of the TALKS program in the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences, an innovative peer teaching program for physical diagnosis. She is a graduate of the GW Master Teacher Leadership Development Program.


Residency Training:
Emergency Medicine, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Fellowship Training:
Emergency Ultrasound, The George Washington University

Special Interests:
Emergency Ultrasound
Critical Care
Medical Education

Interest Section(s)

  • Education
  • Emergency Ultrasound
  • Emergency Ultrasound

Industry Relationships and Collaborations

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported a financial interest with the health care related companies listed below. These relations have been reported to the University and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts.

  • None