Johannes van den Anker
Professor of Pediatrics
Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology (Secondary)

Office Phone: 202-884-2983
Email: Email
Department: Pediatrics


  • BA, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 1976
  • MD, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 1983


Chamberlain J, Capparelli E, Brown K, Vance C, Lillis K, Mahajan P, Lichenstein R, Stanley R, Davis C, Gordon S, Baren J, van den Anker J. The pharmacokinetics of lorazepam in pediatric patients with and without status epilepticus. J Pediatr 2012; 160(4):667-672.e2.

Van den Anker JN, Tibboel D. Pain relief in neonates: when to use intravenous paracetamol. Arch Dis Childh 2011;96(6):573-4.

Leeder JS, Kearns GL, Spielberg SP, van den Anker JN. Understanding the relative roles of pharmacogenetics and ontogeny in pediatric drug development and regulatory science. J Clin Pharmacol 2010;50:1377-87.

Connor E, Lombardi D, van den Anker J. More than baby steps: perspectives on pediatric translational research. Sci Transl Med 2009 Oct 14;1(2): 2cm2.

Rakhmanina NY, Capparelli EV, van den Anker JN. Personalized therapeutics: HIV treatment in adolescents. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2008;84 (6):734-40.

Allegaert K, van Schaik RH, Vermeersch S, Verbesselt R, Cossey V, Vanhole C, van Fessem M, de Hoon J, van den Anker JN. Postmenstrual age and CYP2D6 polymorphisms determine tramadol O-demethylation in critically ill neonates and infants. Pediatr Res 2008;63(6):674-9.

Darbari DS, van Schaik RH, Capparelli EV, Rana S, van der Werf, McCarter R, van den Anker JN. UGT2B7 promotor variant -840G>A contributes to variability in hepatic clearance of morphine in patients with sickle cell disease. Am J Hematol 2008 Mar;83(3):200-2.

Bartelink IH, Rademaker CM. Schobben AF, van den Anker JN. Guidelines on pediatric dosing on the basis of developmental physiology and pharmacokinetic considerations. Clin Pharmacokinet 2006;45:1077-1097.

Rakhmanina NY, van den Anker JN. Pharmacological Research in Pediatrics: From Neonates to Adolescents. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2006; 58:4-14.

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  • None