Irena Manukyan Irena Manukyan
Assistant Professor of Pathology

Office Phone: 202-715-4147
Email: Email
Department: Pathology


  • MD, Yerevan State Medical University, 1998
  • Ph.D, Suny Down State Medical Center, 2009


Irena Manukyan MD, PhD is an assistant professor and chief of molecular genetic oncology service in the Department of Pathology at George Washington University (GW). Prior to joining GW, she completed a Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship in the department of Personalized Genomic Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center in Manhattan, New York, a Cytopathology Fellowship at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, and Anatomic Pathology Residency at National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD. Her Ph.D. degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology is from State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center.

Clinical Expertise

Dr. Manukyan’s clinical expertice provides diagnostic services in cytology and thoracic pathology. Dr. Manukyan also responsible for quality control and supervising of molecular assay development, validation and implementations, such as Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Next Generation Sequencing, microsatellite instability., etc.

In cytology, aside from diagnostic services, she performs Rapid On Site Evaluation (ROSE) for clinician performing ultrasound (including endoscopic or endobronchial ultrasound guided) or CT-scan guided fine needle aspiration.


Dr. Manukyan’s research is mainly focused on integration of molecular diagnostic services in cytopathology, and cancer biomarkers discovery.


  • Molecular pathology
  • Cytopathology


I. Manukyan, P. DeBrito, C. Rossi, P. Russo, MK. Sidawy. Spindle Epithelial Tumor with Thymus-like Differentiation (SETTLE) in Fine Needle Aspiration of Thyroid Gland: Report of Two Cases. Diagnostic Cytopathology. 2021 Oct 12. PMID: 34636490.

I. Manukyan, MK. Sidawy, P. DeBrito. Spindle Cell Lesion on Fine Needle Aspiration as an Initial Step for Diagnosis of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: Report of a rare case. Diagnostic Cytopathology. 2021 May 17. PMID: 34000096.

N. Roper, M. Velez, A. Chiappori, YS. Kim, JS. Wei, S. Sindiri, N. Takahashi, D. Mulford, S. Kumar, K. Ylaya, C. Trindade, I. Manukyan, AL. Brown, JB. Trepel, JM. Lee, S. Hewitt, J. Khan, A. Thomas. Notch Signaling and Efficacy of PD-1/PD-L1 Blockade in Relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer. Nature Communication. 2021 Jun 23;12(1):3880. PMID: 34162872; PMCID: PMC8222224.

Industry Relationships and Collaborations

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported a financial interest with the health care related companies listed below. These relations have been reported to the University and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts.

  • None