Gail Rosseau Clinical Professor of Neurological Surgery Office Phone: 202-741-2709 Email: Email Department: Neurological Surgery |
- BS, University of Iowa, 1978
- MD, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, 1985
Gail Rosseau attended George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and did her residency in neurosurgery at George Washington. Following a fellowship in Cranial Base and Microvascular Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh, she returned to her native Midwest, practicing in Chicago for 25 years with the CINN Medical Group, with faculty appointments at Rush University and the University of Chicago. She returned to Washington and was named Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery at GW in 2018.
She has published has over 100 scientific articles, 12 book chapters and 4 monographs. She has been an invited Visiting Professor at nearly 20 universities. She has given hundreds of invited national and international presentations. She is on the editorial boards of multiple neurosurgical academic peer-reviewed journal. Her NIH funding is focused on projects in Global Surgery.
Dr. Rosseau has been a leader in international neurosurgical organizations, including the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), the WFNS Foundation and the WHO Liaison Committee. She has served in the leadership of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons(AANS), as a member of the BOD and Vice President. Training in Paris, London, Scotland and Sydney set the stage for her long-term interest in global neurosurgery. She has served as Chairman of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) International Committee, awarding fellowships to young international neurosurgeons who have become leaders in their nations and regions. For nearly 2 decades, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for International Education in Neurosurgery (FIENS). She was elected to the governing board of the Société de Neurochirurgie de Langue Française (SNCLF), the French-speaking Neurosurgical Association.
In 2021, Dr. Rosseau was awarded the Humanitarian Award of the AANS. She was invited to deliver the J. Douglas Miller Lecture in Trauma at the CNS Annual Meeting.
In 2018, Dr. Rosseau was elected to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the G4 Alliance, where she works with leaders of other surgical organizations toward increased access to quality surgery for patients everywhere. In this role, she has worked with other stakeholders in global surgical care to develop a strategic plan for this large global federation, recruiting additional member organizations and diplomats to enhance the unity and visibility of global surgery. She helped to create highly regarded virtual programs in 2020 for surgeons and diplomats at both the World Health Assembly and the United Nations General Assembly. Dr. Rosseau has participated in many international neurosurgical and educational missions in developing countries, including Libya, Somaliland, Honduras, El Salvador and Sudan.
Dr. Rosseau is Past -President and a co-founder of Women in Neurosurgery(WINS) in the U.S. and has been instrumental in the development of WINS organizations around the world. During the pandemic, she launched writing groups on every continent, resulting in nearly a dozen recent publications that form a comprehensive history of international women neurosurgeons. She is on the Board of Directors of ThinkFirst Head and Spine Injury Prevention Association and has long served that organization as liaison for international programs.
One of her favorite activities is being the sponsor of the Neurosurgery Student Interest Group at GW, where she is encouraged by the generous and brilliant students who are starting careers in neurosurgery.
Dr. Rosseau and her husband, orthopedic surgeon Rick Rosseau, have two adult children. The family enjoys sports, history and travel.
Industry Relationships and Collaborations
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