Gaetano Lotrecchiano Gaetano Lotrecchiano
Associate Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership
Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Secondary)

Office Phone: 202-994-9855
Email: Email
Department: Clinical Research and Leadership


  • BS, West Chester State College, 1988
  • MA, Catholic University of America, 1994
  • PhD, University of Maryland, College Park, 2005


Professor Lotrecchiano is an assistant professor of Clinical Research and Leadership and of Pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. His research interests include complexity leadership, transdisciplinary team science, collaborative motivation, and organizational change. Dr. Lotrecchiano’s published material may be found  in the Maternal and Child Health Journal, International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research, VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Clinical Translational Science, International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering, Integral Leadership Review, the Annals of Emergency Medicine and Heliyon, Elsevier’s multidisciplinary journal. He is the associate editor of the Journal of Collaborative Healthcare and Translational Medicine. Dr. Lotrecchiano is a Morton A. Bender awardee for teaching excellence and Chair of the George Washington University Society of Distinguished Teachers and a Senior Scholar in the Center for Health Innovation and Policy Research.

Dr. Lotrecchiano has been faculty at George Washington University since 2005 and has spent some of that time as faculty at Children’s National Medical Center. He has worked within the Graduate School of Education and Human Development (GSEHD) as an advisor to the Center for Applied Developmental Science and Neuroeducation and has alliances with multiple regional universities and initiatives including advisory roles to the Innov@N (Innovation) for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers initiative at GSEHD, the Maternal and Child Health funded Pathways Program at Howard University, the Khalifa Bin Zaven al Nehavan Foundation initiative to create a sustainable rehabilitation center and professional education in the Eastern Region of the United Arab Emirates.


Scholarship and Leadership. His doctoral training is in anthropology, sociology, and human and organizational learning. As a specialist in team and collaboration science and an interdisciplinarian, he is interested in the study of health and biomedical teams and fosters collaboration in knowledge-producing and practice teams. His research work focuses on a number of theoretical areas including inter-and transdisciplinarity in research, motivations and threats to teaming, change management, and integration learning. He works in emergency medicine, pediatric disability contexts, and in integration in higher education. Dr. Lotrecchiano is the chair of the GWU Academy of Distinguished Teachers and he is also to Associate Editor of The Journal of Collaborative Healthcare and Translational Medicine. Dr. Lotrecchiano has served in a number of positions administering disabilities and rare disease programs throughout his career including the NIH funded Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC), Rare Diseases Clinical Research Center (RCDRC) and has been responsible for leadership and faculty development programs. As a past principal investigator of the District of Columbia Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (DC LEND) program at Children’s National Medical Center, Dr. Lotrecchiano has been instrumental in providing a holistic approach to adult health professional training that accommodates for competency based learning designs as well as state-of the art-blended learning delivery techniques.

Publications (as of Spring 2016)
Revision Review
Mallinson, T, Lotrecchiano, GR, Furniss, J, Schwartz, L, Lazar, D, Falk-Krzesinski, HJ (2016, under review). Pilot Analysis of the Motivation Assessment for Team Readiness, Integration, and Collaboration (MATRICx) Using Rasch Analysis. Journal of Investigative Medicine

Zajicek-Farber, ML, Long TM, Lotrecchiano, GR, Nanavati, Buehler, (2016, under review) Connections between Family Centered Care and Medical Homes of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Experiences of Diverse Families. Journal of Child and Family Studies.

Published (Refereed)
Pines, J, Lotrecchiano, GR, Zocchi, M, Lazar, D, Leederkerken, J, Carr, B (2016, in press). A Conceptual Model of Acute Unscheduled Care in the United States. Annals of Emergency Medicine

Lotrecchiano GR, Mallinson T, LeBlanc-Beaudoin T, Schwartz L, Lazar D, Falk-Krzesinski, H (2016) Individual Motivation and Threat Indicators of Collaboration Readiness in Scientific Knowledge Producing Teams: A Scoping Review and Domain Analysis Heliyon 2(5). e00105.

Zajicek-Farber, ML, Lotrecchiano, GR, Long, T, Farber, J (2015) Parental Perceptions of Family Centered Care in Medical Home of Children With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Maternal and Child Health Journal 19(8):1744-55.

Lotrecchiano, GR (2014). Role and discipline relationships in a transdisciplinary biomedical team: Structuration, Values Override, and Context Scaffolding. International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering 3(3/4), 223-259.

Lotrecchiano, GR, (2014) Defining Collaborative Science in an Age of Translational Medicine. Journal of Translational Medicine and Epidemiology 2(2), 1023.

Amin, R, Malcolm, S, Bedwell, J, Lotrecchiano, GR (2014) Case Studies in Pediatric Team Science. Journal of Translational Medicine and Epidemiology 2(2), 1030.

Ekmecki, O, Lotrecchiano, GR, Corcoran M  (2014) The Devil is in the (Mis) Alignment: Developing Curriculum for Clinical and Translational Science Professionals.  Journal of Translational Medicine and Epidemiology 2(2), 1029.

Pearl, PL, Sable C, Evans, S, Knight, J, Cunningham, P, Lotrecchiano, GR, Gropman, A, Stuart, S, Glass, P, Conway, A, Ramadan, I, Paiva, T, Batshaw, ML, Packer, RJ (2014) International Telemedicine Consultations for Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, Telemedicine and E-Health (20)6, 559-562.

Lotrecchiano GR, McDonald, PL, Lyons L, Long T, and Farber M. (2013) Blended Learning: Strengths, Challenges, and Lessons Learned in an Interprofessional Training Program. Maternal and Child Health Journal 17(9), 1725-1734.

Lotrecchiano, GR (2013). The Science-of-Team-Science, Transdisciplinary Capacity, and Shifting Paradigms for Translational Professionals. Journal of Translational Medicine and Epidemiology 1(1), 1001-1009

Lotrecchiano, GR, (2013) A Dynamical Approach Toward Understanding Mechanisms of Team Science: Change, Kinship, Tension, and Heritage in a Transdisciplinary Team. Clinical Translational Science 6(4), 267-278.

Lotrecchiano, GR (2011) Leadership is as Simple as A Child’s Game of Marbles: Transdisciplinarity, Learning, and Complexity in Fairsies, Keepsies and Mibs. Integral Leadership Review 11(4).

Lotrecchiano GR (2010) Complexity Leadership in Transdisciplinary (TD) Learning Environments: A Knowledge Feedback Loop, The International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research 5(1), 29-63.

Burley D, Savion S, Peterson P, Lotrecchiano GR, Keshavarz-Nia, N (2009) Web 2.0: Leveraging Synthetic Worlds of Knowledge Management, VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems  40(1) 71-82.

Lotrecchiano GR (1997) Ethnomusicology and the study of musical change: An introduction and departure for ethnoliturgiology, Liturgical Ministry 6, 108-119.
Invited Publications (Peer Reviewed)
Lotrecchiano, GR (2017, in preparation). Special Issue. Informing Science Institute. The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline

Lotrecchiano, GR and Thompson-Klein, J, Eds (2018, in preparation) Special Issue. Conference Proceedings of the Association of Interdisciplinary Studies

Invited Publications (Non-Refereed)
Lotrecchiano, GR (2016) Informing Health Policy and Building Stakeholder Voice through Group Concept Mapping, Integrative Pathways: Newsletter of the Association of Interdisciplinary Studies. May, 2016

Lotrecchiano GR (2011) Complexity Leadership in Transdisciplinary (TD) Learning Environments: A Knowledge Feedback Loop, Formamente: Revista internationale di ricerca sul futuro digitale.  (1-2).

Lotrecchiano, GR (2011) Leadership is as Simple as A Child’s Game of Marbles: Transdisciplinarity, Learning, and Complexity in Fairsies, Keepsies and Mibs. Integral Leadership Review 11(4).

Federal Reports
Pines, J, Lotrecchiano, GR, Zocchi, M, Lazar, D, (2015) Development of a Conceptual Model for Management of Acute, Unscheduled Care in the United States submitted to Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)

Conference Proceedings
Lotrecchiano, GR (2013). Role and discipline relationships in a transdisciplinary biomedical team: Structuration, Values Override, and Context Scaffolding. Collaborative Innovation Network (COIN), Santiago, Chile, August 2013. Cornell Archive.

Lotrecchiano, GR (2011) Social Mechanisms and Structuration Theory: Multi-level System Methods for Studying Transdisciplinary Team Interactions. The ACRT/SCTS/AFMR Joint Annual Meeting ,Washington, DC. Clinical and Translational Science 4(2), 117.

Doctoral Dissertations

Lotrecchiano, GR (2012) Social Mechanisms of Team Science: A Descriptive Case Study Using a Multilevel Systems Perspective Employing Reciprocating Structuration Theory (doctoral dissertation). George Washington University, Washington, DC, in partial fulfillment of Doctor of Education degree, Department of Human and Organizational Learning, Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Lotrecchiano, GR (2005) Chasing the Rainbow: Gender-Religiosity and the construction of identity in the Music and Ritual Of The Metropolitan Community Church Of Northern Virginia (doctoral dissertation). University of Maryland, College Park, MD, in partial fulfillment of Doctor of Philosophy, Division of Musicology and Ethnomusicology, School of Music.

Chapters in Books
Lotrecchiano GR, (2007) Childhood Disabilities Resources, Services, and Organizations and Glossary of Terms in Batshaw, ML, Roizen N, and Pellegrino, L (eds) Children with Disabilities, 6th ed. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co.

Books Edited or Written
Batshaw, ML, Roizen, N, and Lotrecchiano, GR (2014) Children with Disabilities, 7th ed. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co. translated into Georgian. Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Save the Children.

Batshaw, ML, Roizen, N, and Lotrecchiano, GR. (2013) Children with Disabilities, 7th ed. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co.



(Lotrecchiano, PI)
Creating a Culture of Collaboration at George Washington University (C3@GWU)
Office of the Provost, GWU
(Lotrecchiano, PI, Cleary S., and Cleary K., Co-PIs) Motivation, Threat, and Engagement Intensity in Health and Biomedical Translational Teams.
Cross-Disciplinary Research Fund (CDRF)
(Lotrecchiano, PI)                                                     10/1/15-10/31/16                                    20%
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS)
Targeted Educational Interventions for Self-Reflection and Skills Development: Preparing a Health and Biomedical Workforce for Success in Knowledge-Producing Teams (KPTs)
ROLE: Principal Investigator
(Lisa Guay-Woodford, PI) 1U54RR26085-1A1             4/1/16-3/31/21                               15%   
ROLE: Director, Collaboration and Multi-disciplinary Team science.
(Lisa Guay-Woodford, PI) 1U54RR26085-1A1             7/1/10-3/31/16                                 10%   
ROLE: Curriculum Developer, Clinical and Translational Research Program
(Pines and Lotrecchiano, Co-PIs)                                                                                          10%
Human Services,                                                           $132,451
Development of a Conceptual Model for Management of Acute Unscheduled Care in the US.
ROLE: Co-PI and Methodologist
(Gaetano Lotrecchiano, PI)                                                 10/1/14-9/3/15                                         15%
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS)
Assessing Collaboration Readiness: A Model for Understanding Individual Motivation and Deterrents to Team Collaboration (Motivation Assessment for Team Readiness, Integration, and Collaboration Survey, MATRICx)
ROLE: Principal Investigator
(Gaetano Lotrecchiano, PI) 1T32MC03181-01-00  7/1/04-6/30/12                                     51%
HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICE ADMINISTRATION, MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BUREAU                                                     $4,000,000
Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND).
The major goal of this project is to prepare outstanding interdisciplinary specialists to assume leadership positions in the field of neurodevelopmental and related disabilities.
ROLE: Principal Investigator and Program Director
(Gaetano Lotrecchiano, PI)                                     1/1/09-12/31/11                                   10%
HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICE ADMINISTRATION, MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BUREAU                                                     $195.000
Audiology Subaward
The goals of this project is to develop and expand professional training of pediatric audiologists in the area of special needs children.
ROLE: Principal Investigator and Program Director
(Gaetano Lotrecchiano, PI)
District of Columbia Autism Taskforce
The goal of this minigrant is to train parent ambassadors to serve as front line advocates for early screening for autism by providing them with toolkits to foster wider regional use of the M-CHAT Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers.
ROLE: Principal Investigator and Program Director
(Roger Packer, PI)                                                     7/1/11-6/30/16                                      5%
(Contract) Establishing a Special Needs Rehabilitation Center in the UAE. 
The goal of this project is to provide detailed assessment, management and training for the proposed Special Needs Rehabilitation Center supported by the Khalifa bin Zayed al Nehayan Foundation. Role: co-investigator in a contract to develop educational programs for multidisciplinary training of developmental disabilities in the United Arab Emerites.
ROLE: Director of Education
(Vittorio Gallo, PI)                                                     9/01/01-6/30/16                                   5%   
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC)      
ROLE: Program Administrator
(Mark Batshaw, PI) 5U54RR019453-02                  9/30/03-7/31/08                                  35%
NIH, NCRR                                                                $1,122,741
Rare Disease Clinical Research Center.
The major goal of this project is the establishment of a rare disease clinical research center focused on the study of urea cycle disorders.
ROLE: Program Administrator
(Rebecca Landa, PI)
5U54MH066417-02                                                   6/1/03-5/31/08                                    0%
NIH, NIMH                                                               $105,036
Under KENNEDY KRIEGER INST. Contract        
Neurobiologic Origins and Innovative Treatment of Autism.
The major goal of this project is the establishment of a collaborative center of excellence to promote clinical and basic research relevant to autism.
ROLE: Program Administrator


Awards and Nominations
2016                Nominee, Early Career Distinguished Scholar Award, George Washington University
2015                Nominee, Faculty Going-the-Extra-Mile (GEM) Award, George Washington University
2012                Awardee, Morton A. Bender Teaching Award. George Washington University
2005                Special Presidential Recognition Award, Department of Pediatrics, Program Director, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Program at Children’s National Health System. 


2015-present   Member, Association of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS)
2014-2015       Member, National Team Science Affinity Group
2012- present  Member, Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS)
2012- present Member, National Organization of Research Development Professionals  (NORDP)
2012- present Member, Academy of Distinguished Teachers (ADT), George Washington University
2010-present   Member, Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup)
2008- present Member, Academy of Management (AOM)
2005-2012       Member, Association of Universities with Centers for Disabilities (AUCD)
2003-2009       Member, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM)
1988-1992       Member, National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM)
1988-1992       Member, Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA)
1987-1988       President and Member, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (fMA ) Professional Music Fraternity
2015-present   Section Member, AIS Health, Healthcare and Aging Section
2015-present   Fellow, The Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Initiative (XD@GW), George Washington University
2014-present   Senior Scholar, Center for Healthcare Innovation and Policy Research (CHIPR),
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University
2014-present   Chair, Academy of Distinguished Teachers, George Washington University
2013-present   Affiliate Faculty, Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (AND) Initiative George Washington University.



Dr. Lotrecchiano is a Morton A. Bender awardee for teaching excellence and member of the George Washington University Society of Distinguished Teachers. He is committed to the training of health professionals to be well rounded professionals with the knowledge, insight, and critical thinking skills to navigate the changing American healthcare environment. As such he stresses the need for graduate students to be ever cognizant of the many disciplines that make up healthcare and encourages his students to be agents of change and interdisciplinary brokers. His passion for teaching strives to help students understand their own competency needs to be effective professionals.  Presently Dr. Lotrecchiano teaches the science and practice of team science, transdisciplinary proposal, grantsmanship, and leadership and change.

THS 8103 Principles of Collaboration and Team Science
HSci 6285 Team and Collaboration Science for Research and Practice
HSci 6275 Leadership and Change.
HSci 6275 Transdisciplinary Research Proposal.
HSci 6261 Foundations in Clinical and Translational Research.
HSci 6230 Introduction to Special Topics in Managing Children with Special Health Care Needs.
HSci 6231 Advanced Special Topics in Managing Children with Special Health Care Needs.
HSci 6270 Research Methods for Health Professionals I
HSci 6271 Research Methods for Health Professionals II

Centers and Institutes

2015-present   Council Member, GW University Faculty Advisory Board, Office of the Provost
2014-present   Senior Scholar, Center for Health Innovation and Policy Research
2013-present   Affiliate Faculty, Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (AND) Initiative
2011-present   Advisory Council, Center for Applied Developmental Science and Neuroeducation
2013-present   Member, Academy of Distinguished Teachers, George Washington University
2012-present   Member, Clinical and Translational Research Institute


Community Service

Clinical Research and Leadership
2013-present Chair, Collaboration Science Network
2013-present Chair, MSHS Clinical and Translational Research Curriculum Alignment Group
2013              Director, Clinical and Translational Research Masters Degree
2012-2013     Director, Clinical and Translational Sciences.
2013-present Advisory Board, PhD in Translational Science and Learning
2012-present Committee on Health Sciences Student Evaluation, SMHS
2012-present Community of Scholarly Investigators
2012-2013     Search Committee, Chair, Clinical Research and Leadership
2010-2012     Advisory Council, MCH Open Office Rounds, Children’s National Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, George Washington University

The George Washington University
2013-2015     Contractor, Research Enhancement Unit (REU), Office of the Vice President for Research
2013-present Affiliate Faculty, Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (AND) Initiative
2011-present Advisory Council, Center for Applied Developmental Science and Neuroeducation in the Graduate School of Education & Human Development
2011-2013     Advisory Council, Innovations Program, Graduate School of Education & Human Development, George Washington University
2009-2012     Steering Committee, Children’s Academy of Pediatric Educators, Children’s National Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, George Washington University
2006-2010     Faculty Moderator, Research Day Activities, Children’s National Medical Center,Department of Pediatrics, George Washington University

2010-2012     Advisory Council, MCH-funded Howard University MCH Pathways Program.
2009              Panel Dicussant, Pediatric Pulmonary Centers (PPC) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. MCH programs and collaboration with PPCs
2007              Marcus Institute. Atlanta, GA. Technical Assistance for establishing MCH programs
2006-2012     Member, Multicultural Council, AUCD, Association of Universities with Centers for Disabilities.
2006-2007     Vice-Chair, Multicultural Council, AUCD, Association of Universities with Centers for Disabilities. Peer nomination.


  • Clinical and Translational Research
  • Clinical Management and Leadership
  • Clinical Research Administration
  • Core Curriculum in Health Sciences
  • Health Care Quality
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Translational Health Sciences

Industry Relationships and Collaborations

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported a financial interest with the health care related companies listed below. These relations have been reported to the University and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts.

  • None