Afsoon Roberts Associate Professor of Medicine Associate Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Tropical Medicine (Secondary) Office Phone: (202)741-2234 Email: Email Department: Medicine |
- BS, University of California, Berkeley, 1988
- MD, George Washington University, 1992
Dr. Afsoon Roberts received her B.S. degree from the University of California at Berkeley and her M.D. degree from the George Washington University (GW). She went on to complete her residency training and fellowship training at GW and joined the Division of Infectious Disease as a faculty member in 1998. She has been involved in medical school education serving as course director for the medical microbiology course for seven years and more recently participated in revising the curriculum as part of the school’s curricular overhaul and transition to an active learning based pedagogy. She began serving as fellowship program director in 2008.
Her areas of interest include HIV infection and HIV-related opportunistic infections. She serves as principal investigator for multiple HIV treatment clinical trials. Most recently, she is collaborating with researchers in the Department of Epidemiology in trials studying female genital tract immunity.
Dr. Roberts’ awards include the Golden Apple Award rewarded for teaching in the category basic sciences in 2004 and 2005. She was awarded the university Distinguished Teacher award in 2006 and has been a member of Alpha Omega Alpha since 2005.
- Infectious Diseases
Meledathu M, Denyer R, Roberts A, Simon G. Polymicrobial native valve endocarditis due to Bacillus cereus and Cardiobacterium hominis. BMJ Case Reports 2021, Dec 1,14 (12)e245417
Aldous A, Joy C, Daniels J, Jais M, Simmens S, Magnus M, Roberts A, Connors K, Capozzi B, Mohamed H, Juzumaite M, Devore H, Moriarty T, Hatch Shultz C, Zumer M, Simon G, Ghosh M. Recent Sexual Violence Exposure is Associated with Immune Biomarkers of HIV Susceptibility in Women. Am J Reprod Immunol 2021 April 24;e1342
Torres-Miranda D, Akselrod H, Karsner R, Secco A, Silva-Cantillo D, Siegel MO, Roberts AD, Simon GL. Use of BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal PCR panel associated with reductions in antibiotic use, time to optimal and antibiotics and length of stay. BMC Gastroenterology 20, 246 (2020)
Harold R, Simon G, Akselrod H, Siegel M, Roberts A. Ureaplasma septic polyarthritis in a young woman with neuromyelitis optica receiving rituximab. BMJ Case Reports 2021 Feb 1;14 (2) e237916
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- None