A. Howland Hartley
Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology

Office Phone: 202-741-2623
Email: Email
Department: Dermatology


  • BS, College of William and Mary, 1972
  • MD, University of Vermont, 1977


A. Howland Hartley, M.D. earned a Bachelor of Science degree at the College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA and his medical degree from the University of Vermont, College of Medicine, Burlington, VT. Dr. Hartley completed his pediatric training at Children’s Medical Center, Medical College of Virginia where he received the Martin Hoffman Memorial Award for Overall Excellence in Pediatric Residency. He completed his dermatology residency at the University of Michigan Hospitals. Dr Hartley is Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology at The George Washington University School of Medicine. A consultant at Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC, Dr Hartley served as Chief of Dermatology and was awarded the Golden Apple Award for excellence in teaching. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics, the American Board Dermatology, and a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Dermatology, The Royal Society of Medicine, District of Columbia Dermatologic Society, American Medical Association, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, American Telemedicine Society and The Society for Pediatric Dermatology. He has a wealth of editorial experience in manuscript review for the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology, and Annals of Allergy.

Dr. Hartley is part of Anne Arundel Dermatology, the largest dermatology group practice in Maryland. He is based in Prince Frederick, MD and his practice is open for adult, pediatric, & surgical dermatology.  


Top Doctors:  Washingtonian Magazine included in each published issue    1995 - 2014 

Best Doctors in America     included in annual list    1996 - 2014 
Outstanding Physician Specialists:  Washington Consumers Checkbook Magazine     1998, 2007

Einhorn Lecturer, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC     2006

National Registry of Who's Who  (Kingston)    2001

Golden Apple Award/Teacher of the Year given by Children's National Medical Center House Staff     1994 

Pediatric Faculty Teaching Award  given by Medical College of Virginia House Staff    1986 

Medical School Faculty Teaching Award (Graduation Marshall)  given by Medical College of Virginia Class of 1986       

Best Resident Award  (PL-II)  given by Pediatric Faculty, Medical College of Virginia    1978 - 1979 

Martin Hoffman Memorial Award for Overall Excellence in Pediatric Residency  given by Pediatric Faculty, Medical College of Virginia      1980
Medical Student Research Fellowship, University of Vermont        1974 - 1975

Phi Sigma  (college biological sciences honorary)     1972

Eagle Scout Award,  Boy Scouts of America                    1965

Community Service

Volunteer Consultant in Telemedicine (dermatology, pediatric dermatology) in 73 developing countries at 296 remote hospitals and clinics via free access via internet to expert consultants around the world. 2005 to present. 
Swinfen Charitable Trust, Canterbury, Kent, England  assists the medical treatment of poor, sick, and disabled people worldwide.  

Industry Relationships and Collaborations

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported a financial interest with the health care related companies listed below. These relations have been reported to the University and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts.

  • None